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August 27, 2011
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Hello all, So here is the story. My ex-wife cheated on me with a guy that had herpes. I contracted it without knowing and then the most horrible thing happened... I met the most beautiful woman in the world and gave it to her. we are now broke up most likely due to that, Now here's the question... How is everyone dealing with this? how is it possible to have a normal relationship with someone?

Please help!!

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September 14, 2011
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`I contracted it in a similar way, my now ex boyfriend lied about having it. As far as having a "normal" relationship, it is a bit different. You definitely have to be honest with the person you are seeing once things get physical and you have to be especially careful about using barrier protection. I am continuing to work on improving my relationship with my boyfriend. He does not have herpes and I want to keep it that way. The only way it works is that we are both careful and talk about our fears. It's not always easy, but I think communication is the most essential aspect of our relationship.

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December 19, 2011
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`Im pretty devastated and have only known for not even a month yet. Im older 51 and should have known better. I recently separated after a 30 year marriage and my first serious lover gave this ti me. Soo much for starting over and having a new life. Im not sure whats left for me out there but Im here to try and figure it out

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`@Oldasdirtbigwom: Doesn't matter how old you are, you can get herpes at any age & it still sucks. It's a hard situation to deal w, but the way I handle it is I take it a day at a time, it seems to be alittl nether that way. Thank God HIV or AIDS which you know OS life threatening, you still have your life, just appreciate the little things & try to find some type of support system, on here, someone you cam trust & vent to when needed it helps. If you need someone to talk to feel free to email me

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October 3, 2012
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`I think when you use the word "normal" the hairs on the back of my neck stand up! lol Only because to me there really is not a circumstance that could be classified as "normal". Every relationship is different. I understand that having a fulfilling relationship will be difficult but you have to realize that you could have been given something worse!! way worse! I try to live my life without regrets and enjoy everyday as if it was my last. One day I will find love either on this site or walking into him at the grocery store (i doubt that one though) lol some days i don't want to get out of the bed and other times i'm blessed to still be alive. I deal with this situation the best I can and continue to reach for my goals and stay positive. It never get's easier just easier to accept!

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October 11, 2012
Posts: 13

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`I have been living with Herpes for 30 years now. When I was first Dx you were truly alone. I could not even tell my family or closest friend for fear of being ridiculed for having "cooties". There were no medicines, no support groups and no internet.

So I do understand what people are feeling. If you need someone to talk to I am always willing to help.

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`I was taken advantage of 2 weeks ago... and diagnosed yesterday. My emotions are on the downside of a never ending roller coaster. I have court for the legal aspects of my situation and that stress just adds to everything else... I'm young. I had dreams of getting married and having a family, but now.. . all I can think is that my life is over 100%. There's no point in trying to find love, or that one guy to have a family with. Just when I felt life was getting good... this all happened. I'm depressed, suicidal, all the above negative. I just need someone to talk to, to cry to, to understand...

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