Descibe yourself?
Love the tropics. Hawaii, Costa Rica, Bali, PR, Barbados (west indies and lessers in general). I have been all over the world chasing waves and finding sweet ports of call. I own a business that is in the Medical does not own me. The warm winds of the equatorial regions beckon. More serious in business. I earn but it does not rule me. I still know how to shift into weekend mode and relax. Kick it and leave work behind I expect the same.
Italian Irish mix. Raised Catholic and am recovering..

. I have a semi-traditional approach to love. ---- is a weekend event, love is a lifetime of passion. Yes I hold the door and you will never see a restaurant check. You will take the helm of a 70ft sloop and like it. Lol. I am looking for the soul mama who is here not as a predator but looking for a guy who kicks ass. If you look in the mirror and see a utilitarian, shallow, and materialistic western woman...suggestion: Go to the desert for a few weeks and go find yourself. The Louis Vitton limited collection will still be there when you return. Will you? If you find yourself stuffing really nice outfits and a headlamp into some Patagonia Luggage.. taking off a Tag for a Casio because it's a third world adventure... Game on. I work in NYC, Boston, and San Fran. On fridays when I hit the eject button it is drama free, redeyes and usually tropical in destination. I surf, sail, dive, fish, and love the water. I hold a 100ton captain's lic. So I like to charter when in a distant port. Light up the darkness. Keep it positive and have fun! That's me! Who are you? Tell me..keep it real. Much Love...HSV is a hassle not the end of the world...get over it...and love yourself because we love you.