I ride my bicycle a lot. It's my means to a lot of ends, and to motion of all kinds. I used to race, until I stopped enjoying it. I prefer working on them, anyway.
I love the outdoors. Camping is how I live. The rest of the time, I consider myself to be visiting town. I hike when possible, swim when applicable, and climb whatever looks climbable.
I listen to a lot of music, and I play some as well.
I keep my word when I give it. I say what I mean, and do what I say. I don't like head games, and I'm very outspoken. I like to be open and honest with my intentions and observations, and greatly appreciate it when others are as well.
I strike a strange balance. I like to keep fit, but I don't go to the gym. I'm always 'on', until those brief moments I'm not. I'm young, but willing to apply wisdom.
I'm a rough-and-tumble kind of guy. I grew up biker. I kind of do things my own way. I also grew up Native, so I appreciate the need for order and balance to all things.
I'm very social to those I know,and very affectionate.
I enjoy cooking, mostly vegan, and I'm told I'm good at it. I enjoy feeding people.
I do strange things like open doors for complete strangers. Occasionally, I even help people when they need it. I know, it's all so insane, I can't help myself. I've often been accused of being downright chivalrous. Madness.

I research as much as I have time for. Generally, I delve as deep as I can in to any query I have. I'm kind of a closet nerd.
Sometimes, I'm brash, loud, and rude. We all have our moments.
I find that a lot of people think that because I ride a bike, I'm either a meat-head jock or a weak, drunken hipster. I am neither, or perhaps in some ways both(?). Either way, don't judge a book by it's cover.