this is random jargon....pls dont read
Within this chapter, as well as throughout the text, we also see a notion that cannot be considered brutal or immoral. In the beginning of the chapter Machiavelli stresses the importance of having friends and winning the affection of the people. ?For even if one possesses very strong armies, the goodwill of the inhabitants is always necessary?? (Machiavelli 7). In Chapter 19 we also see this same philosophy applied when Machiavelli stresses the importance of having a good reputation with the people. ?? A ruler ? should avoid anything that will make him either hated or despised.?
Perhaps more important than any single observation or principle is the spirit in which Machiavelli wrote ?The Prince?. Most importantly, Machiavelli described society as he saw it rather than as he thought it should have been. Thus, he broke the long-standing link between the study of social and political science and the study of ethics or moral philosophy, unknowingly beginning the age of Modernity. Social scientists since Machiavelli have, had ethical concerns, of course, but they have a propensity to focus on the study of society rather than to the construction of ethical systems, and they have tried to separate their ethical concerns from their examination of the data: a practice at which Machiavelli clearly excelled.
Themanofmystery, 45
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Rural Area, MI, USA

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