Mnredknight, 57

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Minneapolis St Paul, MN, USA

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Seeking a partner for life's jouey...
Seeking a partner for life's journey... Who I am is the same as whom I seek, so I shall combine those thoughts here...

I want someone who can keep a conversation going about something other than shopping, sports, or what she saw on the E! network. Smart women turn me on. If you can keep my attention with well-crafted conversation, you are someone I want to get to know.

I want someone who takes care of herself. Now, I am no Ken doll or male model, and I am not looking for Barbie or some swimsuit model. I am talking drug-free, non-couch-potato, not a raging alcoholic, and generally comfortable with her body. If this is you, then you are someone I want to get to know.

I want someone with a sense of humor about herself and life in general, who can view the good things and the not-so-good things in life with humor and wit. If you can make me smile or laugh when I am feeling low, you are someone I want to get to know.

I want someone who does not carry a world of emotional baggage. Now, before this gets mis-interpreted - kids, "Youthful indiscretions", divorce or broken relationship are NOT baggage. If you can look at the negative experiences in life as a means of learning how to do it better next time, then you are a person I want to get to know.

I want someone who is in touch with her intimate self, both the tender and affectionate AND the animalistic and primal. If you are a person who knows the difference between *that* and making love, and appreciates both, you are a person that i want to get to know.

I want someone who occasionally enjoys the finer things in life, but isn't ---- up on them - who could afford it? I love to uncork a good bottle of wine, but will more often crack a beer. I occasionally fly first class, but usually select coach. I love a great steakhouse, but you are more likely to see me at Applebee's. If you usually eat hamburger but appreciate something Italian and unpronounceable, you are someone I would like to get to know.
About Me
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Height 5'08"
Weight 190 lbs
Hobbies & Interests computers, cooking & recipes, internet, movies, photography, reading
Movies comedy
Orientation straight
Relationship divorced
Education Level some college
Socially, I am comic relief
Food Related Chinese, Chocoholic
Personality romantic
Individuality stache
I'm looking for romance, relationship
My Sign taurus : april 20-may 20
Military Service veteran
Pets Cat
Gender Male
Music Classical, Hard Rock, Karaoke, Pop
Fitness & Sports walking

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