he's kind, loving, sweet, gentle, and fair. he works hard enough to take care of whats important, and remembers that it's important to have fun. he's got a sense of humor thats geeky and dorky and cheesy, thus everlasting. he's patient. he's confident. he's a hunter, or a fisherman. he's a racecar driver or a construction worker. his glamour is in his stride and his pride is in his back.
how about you? have you seen your wife? are you looking for her?
ask yourself about your wife...what is she like? does she cook? fix cars? is she artistically profane? will she go camping with you? does she give you the freedom to be who you are? is she able to go do things without you? does she take care of your body when you are in pain? does she tend to you when you are sick? is she independent? does she have dreams? does she like to go out and have a good time? does she like to stay in and read a book?
if you answered yes to many of these questions, i might be your wife.
lets get a game of darts and have a beer so we can see what we've been missing out on.
* Important! *