I am 33, AA female with one daughter (13).
I am not interested in more children. You can have as many as you can take care of (and still enjoy life...)
A friend of mine produced a "me" manual, to assist the lucky man in dating me. Apparently he thought of the idea after hearing me talk about yet another bad date. I thought it was hilarious...accurate but hilarious. Here's an excerpt that probably gives the best idea of what he speaks to.
"...Ok there is some s--- to deal with as there is with any female. But M**** is a woman who knows how to make a man feel like a king. She is intelligent, sweet, compassionate, understanding, knows how to be social, knows when to stop a fight, and is a very special woman. She is loyal to what she believes is right to a fault. If that is you there are no lengths she won't go for you. Her confidence makes her an attention grabber that people will be attracted. This will be both a pro and a con depending on how you handle this.
M**** knows what she wants in life. She is a independent woman not a girl who has to have a man in her life. Be warned... M**** has a personality men flock to..."
Back to you...
Please be someone that can hold a conversation, introduce new and exciting things, someone with a mind that is into more than just sports

Do you have goals, aspirations, things to do? Let's talk. If you don't, work on that and lets not

Physically, I prefer taller darker men. Enough, hope to hear from