A few things about me...
Sublime is my all time favorite band, even though these days I listen to mostly alternative, electro, grunge, rock-ish music.. I still get down to underground hip-hop, rap, oldies, yes I said oldies, and pretty much anything in between
I was raised in Alaska, so I can deal with the cold
I have been through more in my life than most people, and yet I always seem to look on the bright side of situations..
I am the youngest in my family, and therefore still act like I deserve to be adored.. All the time..
I believe in passion, fun-having, and honesty..
I am a spiritual person, I believe in God and prayer has gotten me through so much in my life.. however I am not at all religious and I don't believe in "earned" grace, just grace through faith..
I graduated from Penn State with a Psychology degree, which it appears I may never use.. :/
I have a tendency to stay up later than I should, some combination of video games/movies usually does the trick
Oh and I pride myself on having a perfect smile
If you want to know more, just ask..