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Herpes Medication

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June 18, 2010
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Does anyone take pills or any other treatments for their herpes? What works best for you?

Me: I took Valtrex for a long time, now I take a generic brand of Valtrex. It has helped me quite a bit since I've only had this for two years.

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`I used to love valtrex. But the clinic I go to said that it was to expensive and went with the generic brand. Which from time to time gives me a headache when I take them. But valtrex is that best that you can get! Pricey, but worth every penny!

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September 14, 2011
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I agree Valtrex or its generic works best (I tried Famvir, didn't like side effects). Also, if you don't have insurance the manufacturer of Valtrex, GlaxoSmithKline has a patient assistance program to help cover costs if you meet income requirements and/or don't have insurance.

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October 8, 2011
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`Hello everyone am new here but I was looking for a lil advice from ppl that have a lil more experience than me. Humm I got a call from dr office just told me the news but no details of herpes. Just take Acyclover generic for zovirox but I see no improvement. How long before it begins to heel? Any good pointers to ease the pain

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`Hi ladies im new to this site and the experince of having herpes also. I am taking a vitiman called lysine daily and i have not had an outbreak that i know of i've had it for a month now and so not looking for the day it come i've seen pic. of what to look for. @sadprincess ive read alot of sites about herpes and soaking in hot water and epsom salt is suppose to soothe it for awhile.

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November 6, 2011
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`I am new to this as well and I want to know what exactly does a daily medication do? Does it prevent outbreaks or something like that? The few people I have told tell me to get on a daily medication but I don't see the point.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Me personally, Ive never had an outbreak. My doctor told me that since Ive never had an outbreak he doesn't see any reason on putting me on medication, which would hurt my immune system more. But he did tell me that what it does is it suppresses the virus. When you don't have an outbreak it "retreats" to the nervous system and lays there until your immune system is knocked down for whatever reason to let it come back out. And he also told me that Valtrex is the best medication for it.

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Acyclovir has worked best for me. I have been taking daily medication since 2000. In the past two years, I have also added taking 50 mg of COQ10 and also vitamin C. Oh and super B complex. Any outbreak in the past two years has been very minimal and short lived compared to before boosting my immune system and taking COQ10. Read up on the supplement if you are interested. Looking up foods high vs low in lysine, And eating accordingly, may work for some, but it did not work for me. For the person that was talking about a pharmecutical company paying for some name brand medication if you qualify ~ it's the absolute truth. Don't dismiss the idea! My immune system works GREAT ~ and I take the antivirAl every day. For me ~ over 12 years time - it has become easier to manage. Just because you read x or y - four months ago - dont stop there. Keep reading. It's for your betterment! : ) Management of the psychological impact - the lack of a lover - I have not resolved. But I am HERE!! It's a start.....

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