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Posted: Post subject: Where are the infected people? |
If so many people in this country have herpes, it is curious that I have not found ONE that admits to having it when it comes time for me to tell them. The percentages do not add up to the number of people I have dated. Or...either the percentages are wrong or there are a lot people not disclosing.
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Joined: February 26, 2011
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`Honey alot of people doesn't know they have herpes. That was the case with my ex friend whom I contracted the virus from. Most people are asymptomatic or think they get a harmless bump and don't pay it no attention doing their initial breakout. They think nothing about it. Another thing is people are not Educated about this disease as they should be. It's also a disease that doctors doesn't test you for unless you ask for a HSV test or they suspect that you are having a outbreak. Thats why people doesn't know. Others doesn't disclose because people make out this virus as something very taboo. They make it seems worser than it really is, and it makes us feel very uncomfortable when the subject is brought up by others who are not fully educated and talk negative. Nobody knows that maority of the people around are effected by HSV 1, and they dont know that Chicken pox and shingles are part of the Herpes family.
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Joined: August 22, 2011
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Posted: Post subject: Re: Where are the infected people? |
plowgirl wrote: If so many people in this country have herpes, it is curious that I have not found ONE that admits to having it when it comes time for me to tell them. The percentages do not add up to the number of people I have dated. Or...either the percentages are wrong or there are a lot people not disclosing.
That's All It Is' They Can't admit It Themselves !
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Joined: February 26, 2011
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`People don't want to admit that they have this disease and alot don't care. They figure well it don't kills yah so it's whatever. My boyfriend and I broked up yesterday, but when I first met him I told him that I was positive (even though it was hart to do). Afterwards, he was cool with the situation. A couple of days ago he told me he had a "lie bump" in his mouth. I'm thinking omg he caught that ish in his mouth. It never phrase him that he had might contracted herpes. I told him this and that he should probably go get checked out, but he didn't wanna hear that ish. We broked up yesterday because I found out that he was trying to cheat on me with two other females. So, knowing he may have contracted herpes we had protected S-- ample of times, but knowing that I had it he still went down on me unprotected????? I think he just got that I don't give a **** attitude and now he's trying to mess with any woman he can especially that has a big -----. It hurts cause I caught feelings for him within the 3 months plus we been together and thought it would last, but it is what it is! I can't change nobody behavior or mentality.
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`I kind of agree, out of my entire group of friends back home I've only known 1 person to have gotten it, and we weren't exactly a celibate bunch. The figures don't seem to add up. Of course some ppl may not know that they have it for awhile, but I can't see this ignorance lasting past the first outbreak for too many, being that the first one is supposed to be the worst and most painful. And I also can't picture my friends simply not mentioning it, at least not mentioning it and continuing to lead normal S-- lives, that's just wrong on so many levels. So where are all these supposedly infected ppl?? They don't even seem all that prominent on an h-site, for Christs' sake.
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`I also am bewildered at how whenever I look up info it says about 20% of women and 25% of men have it and then goes on to say that most people don't know they have it. How the hell is this math being added up? What statistics or theoretical math is being used to estimate these numbers. I think it would have to be more than just simple algebra and trying to figure out x.
I live in NYC and have seen people at the support groups. But it does seem like we are no where to be seen or heard elsewhere. I have to imagin that it is because so few of us ever want to be known for our status that we do a really good job of keeping our secret from most people. I told/warned my former partners but it has not seemed to get around. I did meet one doctor who informed me he had it. Guess he could tell how bad I was taking it. He strongly urged me to join a support group. I went about 3 times over the last three years, they were a little helpful. I would go more often if it was not a night I like to hang out with friends, didn't conflict with work schedule, other obstacles.
Of The few people I heard of who are out about it, celebs who i think are more outed by tabloids than choosing to be open, it seem to be people who were victimized. Child abuse or. I know it must be terrible to have people know one was victimized in such ways but than it seems to me like the herpes positive status is hand waved and the perso is considered innocent. I don't think that is how most people think about people who catch this from partners.
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Joined: March 19, 2012
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It's sad to deal with but it can be done.
Last edited by justname on Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:22 am; edited 2 times in total |
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Joined: March 19, 2012
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About the numbers/percentage known as HSV/HPV cases are made up by doctors that have reported it to the CDC. All others that don't see a doctor that do have HSV/HPV are not included in this survey.
People don't known they have HSV/HPV till an outbreak. The time before that they most
Last edited by justname on Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:22 am; edited 3 times in total |
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Joined: March 19, 2012
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`Really sorry. I'll finish this post some day.
Your most contagious before the outbreak. Smallpox, Chicken pox, cold sores, herpes 2 and genital warts are apart of the same family. Contracted by skin to skin contact and having outbreaks. Over 100 warts and 80 of them are se---lly transmitted. What do we really know?
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Joined: May 27, 2012
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`I didn't have a clue that I had herpes. Completely asymptomatic, I found out when I decided to shell out some big bucks and get tested for a wide range of STDs after my divorce. There's no telling how long I had it, since I probably attributed my outbreak symptoms to a yeast infection (which I haven't experienced in many years).
STD tests have come a long ways. When I was tested in 1997 I'm pretty sure they didn't test for antibodies. The clinic I went to then didn't even offer to test for herpes and when I asked, they responded "why do that? Just wait for an outbreak."
So, it's likely that a great many well-meaning people have herpes and have, in their mind, done their due diligence by getting tested for STDs.
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Joined: December 14, 2011
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`Put it this way... a lot of my friends and myself have herpes from sleeping around with the same group. Some have never had breakouts, and some like me&chance have only had 1...
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Joined: September 20, 2012
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`i had it for probably over 30 years and the doctor's kept saying i don't know, just take this , etc. Realllly. Unbelievable but true, i have to go but will be back ty everyone for sharin
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Joined: June 11, 2011
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`Face it.."Life" with Herpes..NEVER "gets better" All these 1 in 4 "stats" are BOGUS. Life SUCKS now..has for a lot of years. Unless you are willing to "settle" for ANYONE..because they also have Herpes, good luck. I wish I was NORMAL like 95% of the population, who have lives. NORMAL people get to choose WHO they WANT to date/sex with..NOT have to because you cant get anyone NOT cursed.
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Joined: June 11, 2011
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``Face it.."Life" with Herpes..NEVER "gets better" All these 1 in 4 "stats" are BOGUS. Life SUCKS now..has for a lot of years. Unless you are willing to "settle" for ANYONE..because they also have Herpes, good luck. I wish I was NORMAL like 95% of the population, who have lives. NORMAL people get to choose WHO they WANT to date/sex with..NOT have to because you cant get anyone NOT cursed.
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