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My new bf wont talk to me

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May 29, 2011
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: My new bf wont talk to me
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My new boyfriend wont talk to me. He was in the hospital for salmonella. A few days before that he and I had protected s--. I hadn't told him that I have HSV 2. When I did tell him (a few days later) he was mad beyond belief. I understood the anger. He hasn't broken up with me but he hasn't really talked to me about it, or much at all. I'm trying to give him time but I can't go through this alone and I want to be there for him (he had just gotten out of the hospital) but he doesn't seem to want me around. He says that the whole thing just depresses him and we'll talk about it when he's better. I hate just sitting here day after day waiting and waiting. Any help or support is welcome.

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`I hope things work out for you and your friend

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February 26, 2011
Posts: 35

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`Honey that was your fought all the way around! You knew u had HSV 2 so why in the world you let him have S-- with you UNPROTECTED? If he gets it it's all on you!! There's nothing wrong dating people who doesn't have the disease, but have common sense in protecting him from catching it. What you did was you tried to give it to him and he probably feel like you tried to trap him, and that is not a good feeling! That's the same way I was diagnosed with HSV and trust it's not a good feeling. I managed to cope and me and the guy is not together anymore! I know its hard to tell a person that when you feeling the person and you want to be with them, but protect them and let them know they don't have to catch it in order to be with you instead of doing them dirty like that.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I hate it when people don't read posts thoroughly before they reply. I'm sorry you have to feel this way... I know it sucks... But if it helps from my perspective, pre-infection, if i loved a girl, it wouldn't matter to me really if she had herpes, as long as it wasn't a fatal illness that would take years off of my life, I wouldn't give half a crap. I hope your boyfriend turns around and does everything he can to make you happy, but if he doesn't, someone else will appreciate you. Just because one person isnt mature enough to get over this doesn't mean everyone will be. Hang in there.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`regardless if its protected or unprotected you should have told him at first...but its no point on dwelling on should of's, could of's or would of's. Life goes on give him so time he will probably come around.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`No offense but I wouldn't talk to you either. How could you have S-- with with him and not tell him beforehand? How could you even become someone's girlfriend without disclosing that critically important information? You should consider yourself lucky if he ever spoke to you again after that. Very lucky.

I don't mean to sound harsh to you that is not my intent. I tend to be blunt because sometimes it's needed. Please don't make that mistake again. You could have absolutely RUINED the rest of his entire life by doing what you did. The scumbag who gave it to me didn't tell me he had it. He ruined my life and I wish I could lock his dirty --- up in jail for what he did to me. Just saying. You HAVE to tell them before you have S-- with them.

I know your post is old. I'm curious as to what happened.

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