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is there really a chance to find love here??

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: is there really a chance to find love here??

so i have been on these type of sites before, and i would actually like to know if there is a chance to find someone on here. i mean i would like to find someone who is into me just as much as i am into them. i would not want it to be a one way thing. im not on this site to play games. i believe that friendship is one of the most precious things that a person can have with another before love.

so i am wondering, has anybody on here found someone?

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

Anything is possible, but finding true love on a site with as little traffic as this one seems pretty remote. I've always been of the opinion that, in order to be ready for love and recognize it for what it is, you really have to date around a lot and experiment with different types of people in order to determine what it definitely ISN'T, for you at least. That's pretty simple in real life - you meet someone, you hit it off, boom. But with HSV, most people are too scared to even bother with someone in real life because they feel that person will just reject them as soon as they hear the news. So eh, idk. I'd keep your profile up just for the hell of it, but just don't become one of those people that abandons it entirely and stays forever 'more than three months'.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

` Hello tmac, i'm very new to this site. I'm not sure of anything now I found out I have herpies. I'm the state that i'm in, I really don't want to become involved with anyone unless they have herpies as well. I nver want to take the risk of infecting anyone else. I hope you will find someone. I believe everyone deserves to find love and happiness. Good luck

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`TMac True love is possible. The last two women I was with were STD free. The last one being marriage for 3yrs. I have been on all the site you name it i've been on them. No matter STD or not some of these people will never change. But at the same time, never change who you are. Your time will come, till then, focus on self-growth and becoming the person you want to be. Cause the ignorance that is out there makes me shake my head. Just cause our lives have been alterded does not mean were are different from anyone else. Stay focused and keep your head up and smile even though it is raining. Cause the sun will come out for you sooner or later.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Me personally i've been off the site for awhile but now becoming more active now. I think that finding love on this site is possible but it may b slim because like it was said already this site isn't that popular. Don't give up it could happen for ya.

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August 14, 2010
Posts: 2

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`Csassyone. Do you know of a more popular site?

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March 17, 2011
Posts: 27

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`Anything is possible but daddy always said you gotta have more than one iron in the fire. So in other words don’t let this site be your only stop on the train of luv. I still have an account with Hdate.com and I met some beautiful people there. This site is a lot more user friendly though and you cant beat the price,lol on Hdate.com you gotta pay to send hugs and emails. little things like that. If you want to do more you gotta pay and as much as I like it I cant afford to pay for this even though talking to you guys is priceless in my book. priceless

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`When I first found out that I had contracted herpes, I thought that my love life was over. I dated 1 or 2 guys that didn't have it but I had that fear of them getting it, so I'd leave. Now when I signed up for passions I wasn't expecting to meet anyone serious, just someone I could become text buddies w or phone conversate w. When I met my bf I met him on passions he inboxed me introducing himself & we message back & forth on here for a while, then later we exchanged numbers. First we began to text, then we began to talk on the phone every single day. That lasted for 3 months, then we decided to meet in person, while didn't happen right away, but when we first met naturally we were both nervous but we warmed up to eachother. We have now been dating for 3 weeks now, if it wasn't for passions I wouldn't have met him. With dating my boyfriend I don't feel that pressure or that fear that I feel w guys who don't have it, he understands what I go thru & how I feel when I have a breakout, when Im feeling down due to a breakout he can comfort me & I have someone to talk to, I like that feeling more than anything.

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