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Where is everyone!

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Where is everyone!

It's amazing how many people have herpes, yet not many on here, where is everyone?

I'm assuming this site does not get much advertising, I guess because it is free i suppose not sure the reasons.

This is like the first site I've found that is 100% free, all other sites that I tried i quit because it required a fee, although I'm sort of disappointed at the same time that not that many people are on here, this place should be buzzing with people I'd think, seeing that it offers everything free.

Thank you for that however, it is hard to find a free site these days, It's like you have to pay at every single step you take. You had S-- and caught herpes, ok, PAY UP with fear and distress, you want to tell your friends, ok, PAY UP with loss of them, you want to not feel the social stigma, ok, PAY UP with money for drugs that only give you a short time to feel better about the situation because god forbid you stayed up late or had too much sun exposure or drank too much or who knows what else; that it comes back to hunt you. It is hard to keep our spirits up when every turn you take has to have some down turn. It is amazing how many of us have this, as they say I believe 1 out of 4 or 5 people have it, yet the stigma and fear is in no way gone or even on the way out.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Yeah, I don't necessarily buy that whole '1 in 5' crap. It sure as hell doesn't seem like that many people have it. But yeah, I agree with the fact that this is a ghost site. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that people who jump on these sites are often recently-diagnosed and have no real interest in actually meeting anyone for real - they just want to see if there's a POSSIBILITY to find someone real some time in the future when they're ready for it. Which well and truly sucks for the rest of us that are actually ready to h--k up with someone. And yeah, I was pretty pissed at all those pay sites as well. Just FYI, you're not missing much. Most of them suck anyway. A lot of them are exactly like this one, with a whole bunch of old, neglected, empty accounts and zero responses from anyone real. Eventually when I have some extra cash to throw around I'll pay for a premium account on every single one of those sites and leave it like that for about a year, just to see if anyone actually ever contacts me. I had a free account up at Positive Singles, which is supposedly the biggest, most popular one, and I didn't get jack for months. No winks, no emails, nothing. So idk man, it's tough luck out there. It'll just take time. Just make sure to use all this waiting time to constantly better yourself as a person so that when someone real actually comes along in a few years or whatever, you'll just be that much better for her.

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February 25, 2010
Posts: 1

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`I think people are still getting new to the online dating thing and not to mention, people don't like to search for someone with a STI just because they have a STI. I recently joined because it's free and my friends forced me to. On the whole stats thing, recently took a S-- class and I thought that it was more like 1 out of 3 in the US.

I have no idea where any of this will go, but I've had herpes for almost 6 years and I'm tired of keeping it to myself and worrying about what people think and say. I doubt that I'd find love on a site where the only thing I have in common with anyone is herpes, but at least it'd be nice to have a few friends that understand it.

Hope this site works out for all of us or at least gives us some kinda kick.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`yes yes yes a thousand times yes! I agree with you completely, karikon.

I'm really hoping that we can get this site buzzing. Positive Singles seems to be pretty crap, and there are tones of cool applications on here. And it's free!

As I ranted on a previous threat (under dating ideas i think) i plan to do everything in my power to keep people around. If everyone that comes on here gets nothing from it they won't come back, but it we can at least make it look interesting and active maybe we can trick some poor suckers into staying.

One in Four women have hsv, and between one to five and one to nine men have it. the problem is that 80% don't know they have it. There are all sorts of hsv infected folks that have no symptoms, so no reason to take a blood test for the antibodies. We aren't alone, but it's hard to tell.

Plus no one talks about it. I have told very few people, and I imagine that's the case. It's not like a philosophy degree or twins ("I'm having twins!" "oh really? My cousins are twins"); your friend might have an aunt with it, but if we aren't publicizing it no one will know. Maybe that's a weak example lol

I guess the odds are against us a little, but it's not like we're all going into arranged marriages. Our dating pool isn't limited to one person, it's limited to millions. Which isn't so bad...

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March 17, 2011
Posts: 27

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`yes you are all right cant beat the price I came here from Hdate .com they are far from free

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June 5, 2011
Posts: 3

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`I stumbled across this site not to long ago, so I would agree that there is not enough advertisement. There should be a lot more people on here. I came over from mpwh and so far no complaints.

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February 26, 2012
Posts: 6

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`I am new and would love for all our fellow HSV people to continue to come and chat. I would like to see this site take off. We need eachother pass the word along to other HSV site you may be a member of and people will go for free as to having to pay.


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