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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Outbreaks

I was initially told I could only pass the virus only if I was having an outbreak. Now I hear the virus can be passed at any time if I'm not wearing a condom. Can anyone help me with the actual facts?

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August 19, 2009
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`Ive been watching this info commercial on television that said that you can spread it to your partner even if there is not an out break. Now the answer to your question would be yes...these are medical doctor who are educated in this field of se---lly transmitted deseases and they say that herpes can spread wether if there is an occurance or not and, also to keep in mind that a condom is only 99.9% accurate so the question is to you,me and, everyone what are we going to do to reduce the risk of spreading this virus ?

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September 6, 2009
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`Yes you can pass it without an outbreak because the virus goes through viral shedding. And thats when the virus seeps out without an outbreak. This is a virus that is still being researched. Please be careful very contagious. A condom isnt safe either because it may not cover the spot were break outs occur fully! thats y they say just dont have sex! ha but whos not going to have S-- nowadays?

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Proper education, and personal research should be you're best defense. Take care of you're self, proper nutrition and hydration is key. Do what ever it is you do to de-stress, cause thats your next biggest contributing factor to an out break. I think straight up open honesty is your best route in dealing with this emotionally. I've kept it low key in my life for awhile, but after opening up, and talking about. I have found more acceptance than I ever thought possible. I say do not help keep the secret express the solutions. I work and study holistic health, Im new here, but I'm going to take this opportunity to share the knowledge and info I have gathered...

Though Jack seems to no longer be a member here. It can be spread at anytime yes, but unlikely... It is most infectious just before an out break until all blisters are gone. Keep tabs on your body, how everything looks and feels, pay attention to itching or sensitivities. Pay attention to how your body cycles outbreaks - Do you get them after stressful days of work. Maybe a day you wore your self out got dehydrated... keep a journal, and eventually you'll learn what your body is going through.

Condoms are 99.9 percent effective against pregnancy, not STD's, there is still much to be said about flowing juices and the rest of the body contact.

Sex is great and can still remain that way, just be open with all your partners and friends, try and stick to us infected ones...

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Proper education, and personal research should be you're best defense. Take care of you're self, proper nutrition and hydration is key. Do what ever it is you do to de-stress, cause thats your next biggest contributing factor to an out break. I think straight up open honesty is your best route in dealing with this emotionally. I've kept it low key in my life for awhile, but after opening up, and talking about. I have found more acceptance than I ever thought possible. I say do not help keep the secret express the solutions. I work and study holistic health, Im new here, but I'm going to take this opportunity to share the knowledge and info I have gathered...

Though Jack seems to no longer be a member here. It can be spread at anytime yes, but unlikely... It is most infectious just before an out break until all blisters are gone. Keep tabs on your body, how everything looks and feels, pay attention to itching or sensitivities. Pay attention to how your body cycles outbreaks - Do you get them after stressful days of work. Maybe a day you wore your self out got dehydrated... keep a journal, and eventually you'll learn what your body is going through.

Condoms are 99.9 percent effective against pregnancy, not STD's, there is still much to be said about flowing juices and the rest of the body contact.

Sex is great and can still remain that way, just be open with all your partners and friends, try and stick to us infected ones...

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: there is no guarantee that herpes wont be passed on

I agree with xill333, as the information he has provided is rather accurate. Just because some of us don't get outbreaks, doesn't mean in any way, that we will not infect others.

The condom can protect the portion that's covered, and unless someone out there has a full body condom (it's funny if you think about it), there is no 99.9% effectiveness.

There is no need to be sad about having herpes. Be sad if you give it to another person. Other than that, there are many who have it, and even though it might be difficult to find someone at this time, it doesn't mean that it will remain like this for the rest of your life.

If we can limit the transmission of the herpes virus to others, we've already taken a step forward towards fighting this virus.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`this is very hard, readin all of this is hard. Its something that I have to accept and face. But I am 24 yrs old. Young. Like someone said in their posting whos not going to have s--. Im trying in everyway to go about this the right way. I cant afford the dating herpes sites you have to pay for thank god they created this one. Im very attracted most say and when I go out I get alot of attention but I dont feel comfortable flirting back because i know itll never go oast a flirt. I have only been single for maybe 5months buts its enough time to make me very lonely and my needs dont stop. Ive met very beautiful nice people on this site but the ones I like live no where near me to attempt to persue and I havent come to that point to be ok to tell anyone

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I think we all know what you mean; it is hard. I've recently been diagnosed (I'm 19) and I'm struggling to picture myself meeting someone with the same condition.
If it helps, I have heard and read many stories of people with hsv who had an almost normal dating life. Many found that giving "the talk" early helped them sort through the masses. Some people might not be okay with taking the risk, and that's fair (as we know it can really suck), but lots of people have had success with it.
One girl, who happened to be attractive like you, said she told a guy at a bar that she had it when he offered to buy her a drink. Before even really flirting, and the guy was fine with it. He told her that he appreciated her honesty and maturity and they ended up dancing. I don't think it went much farther than that but she seemed to indicate that it was a flop for other reasons.
Some people manage just fine. I'm sure you will too.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I think we all know what you mean; it is hard. I've recently been diagnosed (I'm 19) and I'm struggling to picture myself meeting someone with the same condition.
If it helps, I have heard and read many stories of people with hsv who had an almost normal dating life. Many found that giving "the talk" early helped them sort through the masses. Some people might not be okay with taking the risk, and that's fair (as we know it can really suck), but lots of people have had success with it.
One girl, who happened to be attractive like you, said she told a guy at a bar that she had it when he offered to buy her a drink. Before even really flirting, and the guy was fine with it. He told her that he appreciated her honesty and maturity and they ended up dancing. I don't think it went much farther than that but she seemed to indicate that it was a flop for other reasons.
Some people manage just fine. I'm sure you will too.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`it will take alot of balls for me to tell a guy in the bar or club the very first night I have herpes. lol. I think she was lucky men can also be very rude Im not ready for that type of rejection. Im in nursing school and right now Im takin maternity and Peds and Med surg. Both classes they have to talk about herpes. Im maternity and peds we discuss it in case you pass it on to the child and its like a whole damn chapter and in med surg we talk about all diseases, it apart of the chapter but I feel like its the whole thing. Its so uncomfortable because the class askes seriously a thousand questions and its like it never ends. I just act like Im sleep or something. But the whole time Im listening. And some students are really rude about the whole topic. Well there are two students who was askin extra questions and was making all types of jokes and things about the situation. well last week this class clown has the biggest cold sore on her lip ever. and all I could do was laugh cause it looked so nasty and Im thinking in my head like wow she really may have herpes, thats probably why she acted an --- in class like we were killing the earth off because it was her disguise. it feel so good having someone to talk to it takes alot off my back

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June 4, 2010
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My doctor informed me that your partner should take valtrex too to prevent it. The chances of your partner getting it is slim to none as long as you take valtrex everyday & don't have innercourse while having a break out.

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September 15, 2010
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Outbreaks on thigh
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Hello. I'm new to this board, I have had HSV2 for about 10 years and don't often get outbreaks but recently I have had a few outbreaks on my thigh, just between my butt and mid thigh. It has happened twice this year. I get a patch about the size of a quarter of little blisters that is slow to heal. Has anybody else had this? I'm pretty sure it is herpes as I can't imagne what else it would be, it has exactly the same symptoms, but I didn't know you could get it on your thigh like this! So annoying :(

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