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Diagnosed a few hours ago, desperately need advice/help

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February 2, 2013
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: Diagnosed a few hours ago, desperately need advice/help
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I was just diagnosed a few hours ago. I don't know how to feel. The doctors and my mom are telling me I can still lead a normal life but all the posts on here are so depressing and so am I. The emotional pain is almost as unbearable as the physical pain (which is at a 12 out of 10 right now.) The doctors cringed when they looked at my genital sores. After the ER, I noticed tender sores on the back of my tongue that are increasingly more uncomfortable. I cannot believe I have both herpes. Today is the worst day so far. I can barely walk it is so painful and the is so intense I have to wear a pad. I'm an 18 year old college student with only 2 s----l partners in my lifetime (the first one gave me HPV.) Why me? I keep thinking back to a week ago before I made the biggest mistake of my life when everything was so normal. Every time I go to the caf I feel like every ones staring and that everyone knows. I keep looking at all the other normal college kids wishing I was still normal like they are.

Is there anyone that will talk to me? I desperately need someone I can relate to.

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November 30, 2012
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`wow i cant believe nobody has posted on this yet... im sorry hun... i remember when i was first dianosed, which wasnt that long ago... i felt the same... i think for the most part we all do. the doctors kept saying to me that they now understand why i was in so much pain. i have HSV2. although i did not have a issue i couldnt move. i cried every time i had to go to the bathroom because it hurt on both ends. if it didnt feel like my vagina was going to melt off from peeing, it felt like i was getting an*l (because i have it in there too) the emotional part of it was worse than that for the first few days... what helped me was research. i got the education about this virus. i found out what foods i should avoid and what i should make sure i am getting in my diet. i read blogs that others have written and realized im not the only one that has felt this way... being diagnosed has changed my life forever, but i think for the better. first of all it acts as an automatic filter for s---ty men and friends. second, i have an anxiety disorder that i dont take medicine for, and i learned my limits quickly with my stress level. my patience has greatly improved. yes because it had to because stress can induce an outbreak, but none the less it still improved. also another thing that has helped me is remembering what i am blessed with in my life. everyone finds their way differently but these are the things that i did. i hope this helps...

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October 29, 2012
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`Hi katiebuda, I was diagnosed when I was 22. Im 33 now. I know what must be goin through your mind. The good news is the outbreaks are less painful and less frequent as time goes on. Mine are pretty much non existent now. Low stress helps. The right foods & vitamins also make a difference. The hard part is havin the talk with your potential partner. Emotional rollercoasters will happen... Im sorry... if you need to talk theres a couple thousand of us here goin through it with you my dear. Feel free to hit me up. Maybe I can pass along some info to make this process easier for ya.

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December 1, 2012
Posts: 5

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`the first outbreak is always the worse. other than that you can still live a normal life. the .hardest thing is telling a potential partner that you have it. I'm sorry this happened to you. But that's just the way life is sometimes. none of us wanted it and some of us don't deserve it. but just make the best of whatever is sent to you in life. You're young, and you got lots of potential ,and some guy will see that in you and will see that you're worth it.I would not lie it's not easy telling someone that does no idea of what you're going through due to the fact that they are not educated on it. If you ever want to chat on the cool. hit me up and I'll give you a male's point of view of whatever question you have. Good luck. :-)

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