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" The Talk"

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November 11, 2010
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Can any1 tell me about their experiances with tellin a new partner about this virus?

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`I told this one guy straight out, over the phone and he said "Well, we just have to wait for the in between outbreaks, He said it's not the end of the world... We did keep in touch and he diffenatly was attrative to me and I was to him as well, but he made all the excuses and avoid seeing me... It looked like he had someone else, never had the time to see me , but would always call me... I ended it by not taking his calls and he stoped calling... I then saw there were dating sites after researching Herpes and decided to give it a try and joined ...I am newly infected since Sept. this year by someone who didnt tell me he was infected after dating for 7 weeks... he never admit to it...but knew so much about herpes...So ..just come out and tell them straight forward.. and if they like you for who you are then it wouldnt matter..If he runs for the hills, then its there lost in getting to know you as a wonderful person that you are. Best bet is to find someone who you can relate with

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November 27, 2010
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`I agree, if you are upfront in the beginning it is not as hard as doing it later. Unfortunately, there will be many that can't handle it. I was diagnosed five years ago and have not been in an actual relationship; most can't handle it. I hope this might help, I tried one other site a few years ago but most people had herpes and AIDS or other STDs to.

Really its up to you when to tell them, but you have to do it before you get intimate. Knowing your facts will help them feel secure about being with you.

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November 11, 2010
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`awww man... thanks for ur advise ppl i really appreciate it. But damn, this sucks ass! lol I am so bummed now that ive been diagnosed.

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December 29, 2010
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Diagnosed 15 years ago. Had just met someone new and didn't know how to tell him but I just set up a date in the park one day and told him face to face. This was well before we were intimate. I guess I was either lucky or he just really loved me because he stayed with me. We have been together 13 years married 12 and have 4 children.

Believe in yourself and choose to live life above it all
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February 6, 2011
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I have had herpes for 14 years. 10 of those I was in a relationship and that person never got it from me. Since we have been broke I have told 3 guys who were "relationship" material and I have not had one of them act irrationally about it and have eventually slept with all of them at some point-and as crazy as it sounds-I had to nearly force each one of them to use condoms because I was the only one thinking right at the time.

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April 21, 2011
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aboveitall wrote: Diagnosed 15 years ago. Had just met someone new and didn't know how to tell him but I just set up a date in the park one day and told him face to face. This was well before we were intimate. I guess I was either lucky or he just really loved me because he stayed with me. We have been together 13 years married 12 and have 4 children.

Believe in yourself and choose to live life above it all

Wow you were really blessed. I'm kinda giving up hope.

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`i'm having a lot of anxiety/fear about this topic...i was just diagnosed in december, got it from my first boyfriend [we started dating in september] and not only did he give me herpes but he was abusive and psychotic. needless to say, i dumped him, and the only reason i stayed with him is cuz i figured no one would want me now with having herpes, it was hard enough for anyone to notice me to begin with. anyways, im talking to someone now, and i reeeaallly like him, and we enjoy talking to each other every day, we're taking things very slow but we're both definitely se---lly attracted to each other, we've ---- out a few times and havent even kissed, but i cant stop worrying about when i should tell him.

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`I can't imagine telling someone this. It's really difficult because of rejection one might face but to hear how some people were able to do it and find love gives me hope : )

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`Omg after I told my new gf I had it and then she got tested a came back negative she ran for the hills and won't even lay eye contact on me treats me like a leper. I'm scared to approach women now uguysguve me hope

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`Hey all!! Let me first start off by saying this.. Man it's so damn good to hear all your comments & questions! I'm newly diagnosed this month. it really sucks & I'm still trying to accept all this (digest really). I have a new gf who got it from her ex & didn't know, passed it to me & while I accept that it wasn't her fault for not knowing, I am beginning to let go of the resentment towards her for the whole ordeal. However! I still haven't told anyone about this at all, I hinted to my twin brother but chickened out in telling him straight out.. I know I know.. Eventually I will but right now I'm still trying to get past the initial shock of it all. When should I tell my mom, my older brother or my friends this news do you guys think?
Any advice would be appreciated.

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