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What to do?

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: What to do?

I'm currently in a situation that I might need a lil advice on. i have had hsv2 for a few years now, and i know exactly who gave it to me, i didnt think she would have done that to me but then again people are capable of anything...but thats the past. so after that i figured my S-- life was over! but that wasnt the case i never had a problem getting women just telling them about my situation. finally after a while i met a girl that i grew a pair and told and she stayed with me and i thought that i had found the one maybe. after 4 years and a son with her i think i have daydreamed about leaving a million times. she is not the person for me for way more reasons then i would like to share. i will how ever say that after these 4 years she still hasnt had a single break out. we try to be safe about S-- im all for that, but since she doesnt have it or had any symptoms there lies the problem. she threatens to post it on facebook, tell people about it, all kinds of stuff. she says nasty things to me about it like im a piece of s*** among various other things that im to the point where i just want to bounce. how to you leave someone who has excepted you only to have to go thru all the trials of dating again with hsv2? starting all over after years of trying to build something with someone for years but with hsv that makes it even harder. plus we have a kid together and she is a very vengeful woman so after i leave if i do then i know she will be trying to hurt me or my reputation i just dont know what to do? any help will be appreciated.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`HI MrFantastic32- I read your post and am proud of you for being so brave in telling someone knowing the risks. But she is cold-hearted to hold that over you and threaten to slander your name. There are plenty of wonderful mature woman that will see you as more that your STD. Let her go and move on. No one deserve abuse. Love and Peace....Sept Fire

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Thanks septfire- its harder when a child is involved but I might be at the point of no return...happy 4th :)

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I think you just have to develop tough skin, man. If I were you that's what I would do b/c its inevitable right? You wanna leave her so it will happen eventually and who cares if people know the best part about that is all of your "true" friends will be right there with you. People talk, you know, you should show ur kid how strong you can be.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`That's actually a good comment happy and I do have thick skin I been putting up with her for like 5 years now. I just pray and hopefully the lord above will show me the way. I will be there for my kids no matter what I have to do so that's a none issue

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`You can never ley someone control your life through black male. I want to say I am flash you tope her in the beginning, but because you told doesnt mean you should be jailed in. Look of you didnt have hsv2, hmmm, exactly left. And TELL who, because of she post like ita bad, them How does she look. Sweetie, i dont know you, but you were a victim When you got Hsv, dont i repeat dont let someone mentally victimize you. Because you are a valuable person. Do Wats heard for you and your child. Wish you the heard in the situation

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Just infect her then she will have it and then treat u equally cuz now she has it and that should get her to quiet down cuZ then if she tells everyone u have herpes then just do the same

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