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A Revolution... of sorts

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: A Revolution... of sorts

So I'm browsing along on here, thinking this site is so perfect. It's free. It's easy to use. The people seem awesome. And it's totally necessary for a lot of us in this situation (or at least for those of us who don't have the balls to make I HAVE HERPES our facebook status or to write it on a tshirt).

Then I realized it's dead in here. This is upsetting.

I suppose I should be hopeful when I see rotting corpses of former profiles scattered on the ground. That must mean that we all came on here, made an account, maybe posted on the forum once or twice, then met the love of our lives and ran off into the sunset (and the sunset doesn't have wifi). Is this the case? Probably not.

I think most of us go through the "oh no i have herpes and im going to die alone" stage, then we get distracted by our lives and forget about this. I'm not willing to accept that.

So here's my proposal. Let's all start using this. Even if it's you and me and some elderly foreigner, lets post our asses off. Lets check in every day and tell the empty air how we're feeling and what we're up to.

Eventually the mobs of attractive hsv individuals will come charging in! We'll be beating them away with sticks. It'll become a massive, throbbing internet orgy of greek bathhouse proportions! (sorry to mix metaphors and be creepy) But first, we have to set an example. I'm recruiting brave souls to join me in my crusade. Do you have the guts? Do you have what it takes? Are you man enough to rise to the occasion? To boldly post on threads never posted before? To stretch your attention span to it's limits? To stare laziness in the eye and say "not me, pal, not today!"

Can i get an Amen! Can i get a whoot whoot! Can i get a little conversation at least?

I know what you're all thinking. But why would I write if no one's going to write back. Let me tell you why. We are all attention whores who crave instant gratification, but our destiny is much larger than that! If we invest now, we could be remembered for years to come. Decades from now, when this is the thriving herpes dating site that it deserves to be, we will be legends. We will have started all the posts. We will have set the tone for every discussion. We might have even made up some obnoxious abbreviation that gets picked up and used to confuse the newbies! We'll go down in std internet dating history!
After we're dead and gone, there will be couples meeting all over the world, or at least north america, to find love or S-- or just a friend to talk about itchy genitals with. They will have us to thank. We will be their forefathers!

One day I hope that two hsv partners will get together for a passionate night love making and they will praise my screen name!

If that didn't convince you all i give up. I'll just make this my own personal blog until someone joins in.

Again, this is free! Positive Singles is absolute crap unless you fork over big money, why are they winning?

Hope to talk to you soon!

Sincerely, Virus'd in Victoria

~ Heather

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October 1, 2010
Posts: 1

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`I agree, lets. I just found out I have herpes and have no one to talk too. I spent 10 years married and she knew for the last 3 years and never told me I may have given it to her. She waited till I was going out on my first date after our separation, 2 months after we separated. Now my life is gone and I have no one that understands how lost I feel. Thanks for reading, even if no one actually does.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Okay I'm reading...I just joined this site after finding out I tested positive yesterday...I was in a 23 year marriage and ended it after finding out the man I was married to was with someone who I knew and she had HSV...Not exactly the parting gift I wanted.

So now I am trying to pull myself together and feel like no one will ever want me...It sucks. I've been divorced for a year now, so ready for a relationship and I feel totally devietated!

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November 5, 2010
Posts: 5

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`I'd be happy with an honest friendship which I'm finding are harder and harder to come by these days. Keep your head up and count your blessings in the mean time... Everything somehow works out in the end most days.

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March 3, 2013
Posts: 2

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`Well.... looks like that didn't turn out so well.

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January 29, 2013
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`Totally dead site. But there are some random people that come thru once in a while. And yes the needs of life seem to overcome the search for love. But if we could all check in on this site as much as facebook.. Then something might come of it ) i really feel less and less alone the more i look around this site. One in four women will be affected by H in their lifetime. Thats crazy!!! Its one of those hush hush things... And i see friends that have no idea about my situation putting themselves at risk and i want to tell them just use protection!! I just cant lecture them about it without giving my whole situation i feel.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I know what u mean every time I look for women in my area there profiles say more the three months inactive :(

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